Indian Cobra or Spectacled Cobra

Snake Name
Indian Cobra
Scientific Name
Naja naja
English Name
Indian Cobra, Common Cobra, Common Indian Cobra
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum -
Class Reptilia
Order Squamata
Suborder Serpentes
Family Elapidae
Subfamily Elapinae
Genus Naja
Venom Type
Neurotoxic and Cardiotoxic
Harmful For Humans
Yes, its venom attacks on the nervous system causing paralysis often causes death.
Behavoiur Whenever threatened it raises its one third body flattening its hood which is a sign of warning to stay away. Its bite can be dangerous
Toads, frogs, and mostly rodents, birds, small mammals (mongoose), eggs, other snakes
Reproduction Indian cobras are oviparous and lay their eggs,between the months of April and July. The female snake usually lays,between 10 to 30 eggs in rat holes or termite mounds and the eggs hatch,48 to 69 days later. The hatchlings measure between 20 and 30,centimetres (7.9 and 11.8 in) in length. The hatchlings are independent,from birth and have fully functional venom glands.
Habitat Found both in hills and plains, city outskirts, deep hiding places, old woods, cracks, caves, dense & open forests,and mostly lives around human habitation for food and shelter.

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