Common Cat Snake

Snake Name Common Cat Snake
Scientific Name Boiga Trigonata
English Name Indian Gamma Snake, Cat-eyed Snake
Kingdom Animalia
Phylum Chordata
Subphylum Vertebrata
Class Reptilia
Order Squamata
Suborder Serpentes
Family Colubridae
Subfamily Colubrinae
Genus Boiga
Venom Type Neurotoxic
Harmful or Harmless? Its venom toxicity varies from species to species,
but are not harmful for humans.
Behavoiur They are arboreal and nocturnal snakes.
Diet Lizards, frogs, small birds, small rodents, other snakes.
Reproduction Oviparous, as it is a Boiga Specie.
Habitat Lives in dense and open forests of hills and plains; also found in undisturbed gardens, rocky areas scrubs etc.
at hiding spots such as Tree holes, caves, piles, dense vegetation, cracks at low to moderate heights.

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